Homedental implantCommon Treatments for Periodontal Disease

Denver Dental Implants | Altura Periodontics

Common Treatments for Periodontal Disease

Denver, CO – Do you suffer from irritated, swollen or bleeding gums? This may be a sign you have gum disease, so it’s important to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Treating your periodontal disease as early as possible is important so that you can avoid further damage to your teeth and bones. But what will that treatment look like?

There are two main objectives to treating periodontal disease. The first step is to reduce and control the bacteria that grows at the edge of your gums. The second phase will be to eliminate any factors that may make you more susceptible to gum disease, such as smoking.

Your periodontist may recommend root scaling and planing as treatment to control the disease. Periodontitis and even less severe cases cause pockets to form at the gum line, pulling the gum away from the tooth. Bacteria then enters these pockets, causing an infection.

The goal during treatment is to remove the bacteria and irritants that cause the inflammation in hopes that the gum will shrink back enough to minimize or completely eliminate the pocket.

The periodontist will remove the plaque, and then smooth the surface of the tooth to make it harder for the bacteria to attach again in the future.

Following your first treatment, you will need to visit your periodontist for follow-up appointments to check for re-growth. If the inflammation has been effectively reduced, you will need to maintain regular observation appointments to ensure it doesn’t return.

Your periodontist will also discuss your role in your treatment. There are some factors that can increase your risk of developing the disease, such as smoking or diabetes. A healthy diet will aid in your healing, and proper brushing and flossing will help avoid re-occurrence of the disease. Because most periodontal disease begins in places where your toothbrush can’t reach, your periodontist can teach you proper flossing technique.

At Altura Periodontics, our expert periodontists have all of the skills necessary to diagnose and treat your periodontal disease. They can provide the care you need to ensure you have a healthy and properly functioning mouth.

Maintaining regular appointments with your dentist and periodontist is important to ensuring you keep your gum disease in check. In many cases, you may not experience pain or discomfort, but the disease could be causing damage to your mouth. Routine periodontal screenings will ensure you receive treatment before too much damage can occur.

Schedule your periodontal screening at Altura Periodontics today.
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