Homedental implantGum Disease Growing More Prevalent Than Diabetes

Denver Dental Implants | Altura Periodontics

Gum Disease Growing More Prevalent Than Diabetes

Denver, Colorado-Approximately 65 million people are affected by a disease that’s hardly ever discussed. And yet it now surpasses diabetes as a more prevalent issue.

The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) reports that one in every two adults age 30 and older deal with some degree of periodontal disease. Gum disease, as it’s also called, can cause major damage to the tissues and bone surrounding the teeth, leading to potential tooth loss down the road.

“People should know that periodontal disease is very preventable,” says Denver periodontist Dr. Emilio Arguello. “Maintaining a good dental routine and checking in with a periodontist twice a year can eliminate the possibility of gum disease.”

Similar to those experiencing dental problems, people with periodontal disease tend to avoid seeing a professional. This can unfortunately lead to destructive results in your overall health.

“Severe gum disease can be connected with cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer,” explains Dr. Alan Pomeranz. “It’s so imperative that we catch it as soon as possible.”

According to the AAP, bacteria in the mouth that form plaque beneath the gum line can be labeled the culprit to periodontal disease. Though poor oral hygiene is often attributed to the disease, brushing alone won’t remove these pesky bacteria.”

The following are the most significant health considerations that may come into play for susceptibility to gum disease.

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Stress
  • Hormones
  • Medications
  • Severe Osteopenia
  • Genetics


Patients can feel confident that, when detected early, the effects of periodontitis are reversible in most cases. Be sure to ask your dentist about the status regarding your periodontal health and if you need to be referred to a periodontist.

At Altura Periodontics, we address each patient’s situation and prepare a unique treatment plan based on an initial evaluation. We have several of the area’s leading periodontists on staff to ensure that you receive the most efficient results.

In addition to periodontal disease treatment, Altura Periodontics provides bone grafting, cosmetic procedures, crown lengthening and dental implants. They serve the Denver metro area and Front Range. For more information about periodontal disease or our services, give us a call or check out our website.

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