Homedental implant30 seconds is now all it takes to protect yourself and your loved ones from treatable oral cancer and disease

Denver Dental Implants | Altura Periodontics

30 seconds is now all it takes to protect yourself and your loved ones from treatable oral cancer and disease

Denver, CO – While oral cancer has traditionally taken a ‘back seat’ in terms of public awareness and familiarity in comparison to other cancers, the statistics are nonetheless sobering. Over 43,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer in 2015, resulting in over 8,000 deaths — roughly one person per hour. Of those 43,000 newly-diagnosed individuals, 40% will die within five years, in large part as a consequence of late detection and treatment.

These new, ground-breaking, non-invasive oral rinse tests may hold the key. Altura Periodontics has announced they will be the first oral healthcare providers in Colorado to offer DNA and infectious disease testing using new, non-invasive, 30-second, mint-tasting mouth rinses. The tests, known as MOP™ (Molecular Oral Pap) and MOP ID™, identify disease risks such as oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer and Human Papillomavirus (HPV), before visual detection is possible.

“Detecting disease in its earliest stages, and helping to save lives by doing so, is now as simple as rinsing for 30 seconds, just as you do with a mouth wash, only in this case with a life-saving mouth rinse,” says Dr. Emilio Argüello, a member of the five-doctor Altura Periodontics’ clinical team. “Because early detection is key, we’re proud to be the first to introduce this cutting-edge testing to Colorado, and to play a part in improving the survival rates related to mouth and throat cancer and disease.”
The Altura team will hold two educational Summits in early May 2015 at their South Yosemite Street Education Center to further educate members of the public, and dental hygiene community, about the benefits of the new tests. Speakers will include Altura’s Dr. Emilio Arguello, Dr. Eduardo Marcuschamer and Dr. Armondo Moncada, MD, FCAP, the Founder and Chief Medical Officer of PCG Molecular, the company behind the ground-breaking and live-saving tests.

Altura is also offering to waive a portion of the test fee – which is covered by many medical insurance carriers – to patients and their families through March 31, 2015. Contact their office today to schedule your appointment. Remember, a few seconds is now all it takes to protect yourself and your loved ones from treatable oral cancer and disease, if caught early.
