Homedental implantAltura Periodontics’ Summits set to showcase cutting-edge, non-invasive diagnostic tool for detection of oral cancer and disease

Denver Dental Implants | Altura Periodontics

Altura Periodontics’ Summits set to showcase cutting-edge, non-invasive diagnostic tool for detection of oral cancer and disease

Denver, CO – 30 seconds is now all it takes to protect yourself and your loved ones from treatable oral cancer and disease.
Altura Periodontics is set to host two educational Summits in May 2015 at their South Yosemite Street Education Center to educate members of the public, health, and dental hygiene community about two new, ground-breaking, oral rinse tests that offer DNA and infectious disease testing using non-invasive, 30-second, mouth rinses. The tests, known as MOP™ (Molecular Oral Pap) and MOP ID™, identify disease risks such as oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer and Human Papillomavirus (HPV), before visual detection is possible.

The rinses can also detect numerous sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, and viral hepatitis—however Altura will not test for sexually transmitted diseases at this time. Altura will be the first oral healthcare providers in Colorado to offer the ground-breaking oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) tests.

Speakers at the Summit will include Altura’s Dr. Emilio Arguello, Dr. Eduardo Marcuschamer and Dr. Armondo Moncada, MD, FCAP, the Founder and Chief Medical Officer of PCG Molecular, the company behind the ground-breaking and live-saving tests.

The need for education about oral cancer and other diseases of the mouth is clear, according to PCG Molecular, which cautions, “while tobacco users are at increased risk for oral cancer, all adults, even young adults, are also at risk. Cases of young adults with oral cancer who have never smoked or used tobacco are becoming more frequent. The same types of HPV (Human Papillomavirus) that cause cervical cancer are now playing a role in oral cancer development. Annual testing for all adults, men and women, aged 18 and over, is very important.” Delay can be fatal.
Altura is also offering to waive a portion of the test fee – which is covered by many medical insurance carriers – to patients and their families through March 31, 2015. Contact their office today to schedule your appointment.
Remember, 30 seconds is now all it takes to protect yourself and your loved ones from treatable oral cancer and disease.
