Homedental implantPeriodontal Disease Treatment Leads to Improvement of Overall Health

Denver Dental Implants | Altura Periodontics

Periodontal Disease Treatment Leads to Improvement of Overall Health

Denver, Colorado-Treating periodontal disease as quickly as possible has magnified in importance. A new study recently confirmed that those treated for gum disease enjoyed lower healthcare costs and fewer hospitalizations for other conditions in comparison to those dealing with untreated gum disease.
Until now, it was already determined that periodontal disease treatment could play a factor in heart health and reduce the risk of premature birth among pregnant women.
Researchers looked at the records for more than 300,000 patients. Participants had to meet the criteria of being enrolled in medical and dental plans for at least one year, be seen at least once for gum disease and have a diagnosis of stroke, coronary artery disease or diabetes.

At the conclusion of the study, healthcare costs for those with stroke or diabetes were nearly 40 percent lower if they underwent treatment for their periodontal disease. Participants with coronary artery disease experienced an 11 percent decrease costs with treatment, while women who were pregnant and treated for gum disease reaped savings of 74 percent.

The team of Denver periodontists at Altura Periodontics always emphasizes the significance of gum disease in connection with overall health. They believe that the results from this study are very encouraging.

“A healthy mouth can lead to a healthy body,” explains Dr. Emilio Arguello. “But it’s not just a matter of treating patients with surgery and being done with it. Eliminating periodontal disease is a process that consists of awareness, education, treatment and at-home maintenance.”

Dr. Arguello adds that those concerned about the health of their gums should consult with their general physician and dentist.

“Screening for periodontal disease is quick and easy,” he explains. “There’s no question that the rest of your body will thank you for taking care of your gums.”

In addition to periodontal disease treatment, Altura Periodontics provides bone grafting, cosmetic procedures, crown lengthening and dental implants. They serve the Denver metro area and Front Range. For more information about periodontal disease or our services, give us a call or check out our website.

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